Monday, February 16, 2015

February 9, 2015


I learned a lot about standards of excellence this week. This week was probably one of the most difficult weeks of my mission....however, it was also one of the most joyful. Sister Morrow and I go for standards each week. It is just what we do. We do all that we possibly can, and we leave the rest up to the Lord, knowing that he will compensate. We know that we are always blessed for our labors, whether it be in the form of a new investigator or more patience on our behalf, we know that we are blessed daily in this work. This week, we hit standards without focusing on numbers. We resolved to not get discouraged, give our all, and baptize four in this month, and standards just happened. It was totally different from the last time that I hit standards, and I learned a great lesson. I always thought that to be a true servant of the Lord meant to be a missionary always giving your all, nearly running yourself into the ground. However, we took care of ourselves this week, we worked just as hard, but we understand others' agency... and standards just happened. I am realizing that articulating myself and conveying what I learned is much harder than I thought. Anyway, my testimony just grew that we do not need to be overachieving fanatics in this work. This is a big pill to swallow, but I know that the Lord blessed us with this accomplishment so that I could see that the effort that we put into this work mentally is just as important as the work we put in physically.

As I was studying the Book of Mormon this week, Ether 12:6 stuck out to me each day. It seemed that nothing was going right this week. Sister Morrow got sick, we were out for 2 days, our most elect investigator dropped us... so many things were going wrong. However, I took comfort in this scripture:

 6 And now, I, Moroni, would speak somewhat concerning these things; I would show unto the world that faith is things which are hoped for and not seen; wherefore, dispute not because ye see not, for ye receive no witness until after the trial of your faith.

I remember being so upset during my third transfer in the field when we only had 3 investigators come to church, not 5. Elder Brimley shared this scripture with me and my testimony of faith grew a lot. 

If every time we obeyed the commandments we were blessed immediately, we would not learn to obey them for the right reason. If each time we prayed or paid our tithing and received exactly what we needed, I do not believe that we would humbly follow the Lord. We would act like He was in our debt, owing us blessings. This week, as opposed to that week in Hollywood, my mentality was completely different. Sister Morrow and I joyfully pressed on with the work. Not sugar coating the day, but reminding ourselves that others have their agency, but we must choose to press forward and keep working just as hard as we would if everything was going our way.

We are so thrilled to see how the ward will grow this month especially. We are working with so many amazing people:
+ A family who was a member referral from Utah – mom and her two teenage children. They love coming to church and the kids will be baptized Feb. 21st. Mom is the best and works so hard.
+ A mom of a 2 year old. She is happier and happier each time we see her and is working to be baptized on the 28th.
+ We have been working with a part-member family and their 8 year old son will likely be baptized next week.
+ MIRACLE family from Colombia. They are brother and sister. Found them knocking doors. 29 year old, sister opened. All we had to say was, "We are representatives of Jesus Christ", she invited us in and did not let us get 2 sentences in before she said, "Where is your church? I am going there." She introduced us to her 16 year old brother. We will start teaching them, but they have already asked to be baptized. Blew our minds. We need to stop being so surprised with the miracles the Lord blesses us with.

We are so excited to get to work this week. We have INCREDIBLE people to teach, and lots of members signed up to come out with us this week.

It is always a great day to be a missionary, but it is an even greater day when you wake up excited to get going. Sometimes Sister Morrow and I joke about working all of P day.... haha don't worry we wouldn't but the thought has crossed our mind. That's just an indicator of how amazing our investigators are.


Also, crazy week. I got to go to transfer meeting on exchanges because Sister Clement had the flu so Sister Albrecht and I went and got her new comp and Sister C.'s new comp and it was AMAZING because I got to see all of my friends who were getting ready to go home. I saw Elders Brimley, Passey, and Mendenall... it was tender I just love those elders they are amazing. And of course I got to see my lovelies Sister Jackson, Gardner, Bradley and all of the other wonderful sisters. It was so much fun!

And Elder Swensen is training!! That stud. His baby seems awesome. Everyone in the mission loves the chill Californian Elder Swensen! He is so humble and easy going... everyone wants to be his comp!

I love being a missionary!!!! This life is the best. Go out with the missionaries, or call them and have them teach a friend in your home, or have FHE... do all the things!!!

Also: new favorite section in the D&C 110. Go read it! So fascinating. Onto section 111 tomorrow.

All my love,
Hermana McCormick

Off to the flea market then WHOLE FOODS then run #2 of the day because it's a great day to be aliiiiiive 

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