Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 3, 2015

So we got transfer call last night and.... we are staying together!! I am so happy because it is usually kinda weird/bad in this mission to be split 1/2 during training (unless the trainer goes STL or something). Sister Morrow and I are thrilled to have another transfer to work together. We know that this transfer will be a miracle transfer. We do not know how, but we feel that we are capable of baptizing each week in February. I love her fire and passion for the work-we are on the same page and nothing can stop us. 

This past weekend was Stake Conference and Elder Munns came and spoke and he is amazing... so eloquent. He spoke a bit about the reality of angels... especially of those angels who minister to children. I was so uplifted and edified.

Yesterday morning we got to help our Relief Society President and her husband move. I remember seeing the missionaries help us when we got our carpets cleaned and thinking, "That is the worst Saturday morning I have ever seen. I feel bad for them." And now service as a missionary is the highlight for me. Strange. Not sure how it happened. But basically, dad I will never EVER whine again. In fact, I am excited to deep clean the garage, house, and backyard frequently with you. Yeah I just said that. Who am I?

We have been blessed by working with the members. We reactivated one member, and now he is helping us teach his roommate. These guys are awesome! The respect that they have for us as representatives of Jesus Christ is humbling.

We have also been fed a lot by the members this week.... when I say a lot I mean a lot for me and Sister Morrow because we don't eat a whole lot. Whereas the elders put down like garbage disposals. However, I have an amazing comp and we are as one because we both had the same crazy thought to go to bed early so we could get up early Friday so we could run extra Saturday. We ran 6.5 miles. It felt so good we did it again yesterday. Then 3.5 today felt like a break. I love my exercise junkie comp!!

Anyway, we have a wonderful teaching pool and are being blessed as we work to pair members with investigators... because MPLs are serving their purpose! We are still working with a woman who we think will be baptized later in February. She is too elect not to be!

I am reading in Ether right now and I decided that the story of the Brother of Jared is my favorite Book of Mormon story. A scripture that sums up my feelings of this story is Ether 3:19: 

 19 And because of the knowledge of this man he could not be kept from beholding within the veil; and he saw the finger of Jesus, which, when he saw, he fell with fear; for he knew that it was the finger of the Lord; and he had faith no longer, for he knew, nothing doubting.

This is the kind of faith I am striving to have. I want the Lord to be unable to keep Himself from me. I want my faith to be so steady and sure that I no longer believe, but I know... "nothing doubting."

Something that I have learned on my mission is that we want so many things, but do we pray for them daily? Sometimes we say that we want more faith or patience, but do we plead with our Heavenly Father each morning and night for those things specifically? Whenever I am preoccupied with confusing, discouraging thoughts, I think, "have I prayed about it as much as I have thought (or talked) about it?" Usually, my answer is no. I love learning these simple truths and practices more fully on my mission. These things I am saying are so simple, but my testimony of them are so deep.

Sister Morrow is the epitome of service. She is always jumping to help me out. I know that I can trust her with absolutely anything. I know that she loves and respects me, and through this knowledge, my love and respect for her grows daily. I love the security that comes from the absolute trust in our companionship. She is herself and I love seeing her teaching skills AND Spanish skills grow daily. She is a blessing to be around. Thank you for allowing us to be together for another transfer to not only baptize together, but also so I can learn and grow from her. I know with every fiber of my being that I needed to be paired with her to learn about charity. She is changing me for the better!

I have to end on a spiritual note, but before I do that I have to tell you people about MACA POWDER aka love of my life. Apparently it is an Incan super food. A member from the English ward that I met at Stake Conference (basically super mom awesome lady and I want to be her) told me about it at the Saturday night session, THEN brought me some Sunday morning to try!! How sweet. She also wrote down some good gluten free tricks and snacks. Which reminds me, accidentally had some gluten at the ward dinner Friday............ yeah not brave enough to make that mistake again. Enough said. Okay but maca powder, cinnamon, almond butter, almond milk, banana, ice, raw cocoa, and some water... delicious shake. Low cal and fills you up super well. And apparently maca powder gives you energy and good protein. Love it. You bet we are on our way to Whole Foods after this to investigate. 

I love you all and your support more than words can explain.

I am deeply grateful for my life, here and now. I love being a missionary. I love being on my mission... representing our Savior each day. Our calling really is magnificent. I love how I understand obedience and other aspects of the gospel more and more each day. The blessings of missionary service are so real, and I know that this is just the beginning. 

Con amor,
Hermana McCormick

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