Friday, November 28, 2014

November 24, 2014

Good morning! Okay first of all, a snippet from a letter Sister Gardner sent me about one of my favorite families: 4 of them got confirmed yesterday!! It was absolutely AMAZING!!! The mom was the last to be confirmed. After her confirmation, she was crying and just broke down and walked out of the chapel. We of course followed her out, along with a few other relief society sisters, and she was just so overwhelmed by what she felt that she was pretty much reduced to a puddle on the floor. She had investigated the church but had waiting so many years before taking the step to baptism. She is so happy she did. Yeah I died. I just love that family and this work so much.

This week has been one of opposition for sure. We are convinced that a miracle must be right around the corner. I am also learning that the gospel is truly all about balance in all things. In my favorite talk, "Create Success", it says that it is up to us. No blaming our companion, the ward, the area, etc., we can do it. However, it is hard to do it alone. I know that for us to hit standards and baptize, we must both be converted. I can tell that this transfer will not be hard because of my companion's and my differences, as we get along really well. But I believe that the things that I learned in Hollywood must be carried over into this area, this house, this district, and this zone. I loved the Mission Conference about love, charity, and unity this week. We need to be more unified and charitable not just to the housemates that we like or the ward members that we like; we must love all as Christ did.

So MISSION CONFERENCE... we got to watch Meet the Mormons. Never thought that would happen. It was amazing. I loved watching the part about the Candy Bomber... ugh it tugged on my heart strings and made me think of Gpa. He has got to see it! 

The scripture that I was talking about last week was in verses 24-27. I am toward the end of 2 Nephi and I am so excited to be reading about the millennium and the second coming. I know that the Second Coming of the Savior is the reason for our work. We are doing what Christ would do if he were here, because so many need to learn and change in order to be prepared to meet God. I love the talk, "His Grace is Sufficient" for the way that it gives a mental picture of judgment day. We are all going to be brought back to our Heavenly Father and Savior's presence. I always thought that we would be begging to stay. But now I see that we are going to feel so unworthy, we will want to hide. I know that our loving Father in Heaven is reaching out to help us no matter what. He is always there to help us be better. That is why he gave us a Savior. I am grateful to have a Christmas away from all of the gifts, etc. and to truly focus on the reason for the season. 

Two cool things from this week: District Insanity Friday morning at 6:30 was totally awesome and has been made a weekly thing. I am now "Sister Michaels" as in Jillian Michaels and I am totally okay with that. We are doing a district Turkey Trot, too. I am loving all of the fitness!

Also, Saturday night, our ward had their missionary effort night: La cena internacional. It was amazing. Food from 12 different countries and it was so fun. There were dancing and singing performances after dinner and I just love Latino culture. Sorry if I move to central american post mission. I just LOVE that culture.

Well family, I know that this is a hard day. I am grateful that we are able to chat today. You are all in my prayers. I know that the comfort that the atonement and gospel knowledge brings is so real. I know that today, next Monday, and the holidays will be hard but we can do this. I don't think it gets easier each year, but we really just get stronger. I know that our whole family will be reunited in the next life and it will be the sweetest reunion.

Enjoy Thanksgiving. And cross your fingers that the elders don't get us into more than one dinner. Surely I will die.

I am truly blessed to be serving. I appreciate each day.

I love you!
Hermana McCormick

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