Sunday, December 7, 2014

December 1st, 2014

Hello Family! & Friends!! 

Today, Sister Bradley and I are on cloud 9. We were able to hit the standards of excellence this week, and it feels amazing. Knowing that we did all that was required for our area brings pure joy. We know that we truly gave the Lord our all this week. We served with our might, mind, heart, strength, diligence, obedience, everything... we did our best this week. It was absolutely draining in the best way. So we go over Saturday morning, taught a couple with the elders, and M. & G. were beaming and telling us that they want to be baptized this weekend. As in the next day. Sister Bradley and I were speechless. Truly speechless.... this was a miracle I always tear up at baptisms. I am always overcome by the spirit... those are the moments that remind me why I am here and why I love this work so much. It is a precious thing to act and have the spirit confirm to you the truthfulness of what you are doing. What an amazing experience. Watching them come right out of the waters of baptism, change, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, as truly repentant and clean vessels. This week just could not have been any better. 

On a funny note, the elders taught us this game called "what are the odds?". So for example, you say, "Sister Bradley, what are the odds we turn around and you get 2 Krispy Kreme donuts?" She would say 5, because she likes donuts. I would say 15 (a number between 1-15) because I def don't want to do that. Then when she says 5, we count down... 1... 2... 3.... and we both say a number in between 1 and 5 (since she said 5) and we both say 3 and then freak out because that means that she has to do it. Bear in mind, this is after she eats a giant roll/loaf of bread in one day. We scream and laugh and you bet we turn around and buy 2 donuts. Haha love it. The elders played it with the APs on their way to lunch, and the elders ended up having to buy themselves a Christmas tree. Best game ever!

I loved what I read in Jacob this morning. In Jacob 5:61-63, 71-72, I realized how applicable it is to missionaries. We are laboring WITH the Lord in His vineyard. I just love that. It talks about how we obey His commandments, give our all, and are blessed with joy. I love this time in my life that I have to walk with Christ, his prophets and apostles, to do what they are doing. I love feeling close to them. I am grateful for my love for them. I know that it is a gift from God. I do not take it lightly, for I know that it is another testament to me of the truthfulness of this church. 

Also, this week I was studying a talk in our mission binder that our DL committed us to read and out falls "Not Withstanding My Weakness" by Elder Maxwell with a cute sticky and a card from my favorite STL Sister Smith (who is at BYU now, Al find her and hug her!!!!). Yes the amazing Sister Smith that I lived with when I was born in Miami. That made my day! If you know me and you know how much I love this sentimental stuff, you know I was fighting back tears. A cute little note and talk from like 4 months ago!

On a strange note... the member food here is wrecking me. Literally wrecking me. So close to telling the ward that I can't handle food and that we should just serve them instead of them feeding us. I had a very hard time on my run this morning with what was in my system. The joys of being a missionary with no agency when it comes to food. Ugh.

This morning I woke up the most exhausted I have ever been on my mission, but the happiest too. I know that we gave the Lord our absolute all. I am so full of joy. So hard sometimes with the Spanish, but I pray and pray and pray and somehow understand, but it is stressful! I love our gators. I just really love learning Spanish from the Colombians with the clear Spanish and from the El Salvadorans (not as easy to understand). Definitely pushing me with my Spanish! I love it.

I love you all much and I hope that you enjoyed Thanksgiving. OH THANKSGIVING... classic. I had a true Latin Thanksgiving. Turkey and gravy were the only normal parts. Then we had a strange mixed greens salad, cheesy crusted baked potato slices, sweet potato slices/fries but baked, rice with pasta pieces and raisins (yeah those paste pieces wrecked me. gluten is not my friend anymore. sad life.) and for dessert, STRAIGHT UP melted ice cream... lemon I think... legit melted puddle, with mini marshmallows and canned fruit pieces. Sister B and I got home and just laughed. We enjoyed it, awesome people who fed us, but what a random T-giving dinner. No rolls, stuffing, pie. haha love it!

I love you all so much! Enjoy this season and look up the new "He is the Gift" video and share it with all!!!!! And share the 5 pass along cards that you get in the Ensign this month. #sharethegift put that all over insta and FB. Be member missionaries!


Hermana McCormick

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