Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April 6

Email crashed the week of March 30....

So I got that adorable package in the mail on Saturday and it made my day. It was way fun to share the package with Sis. Trebotich. PS the mail here in Florida is bad because dad: that package you sent weeks ago, just got delivered to my old apartment, aka the office forwarded it like a month ago (because they hold mail the last week of each transfer) so obviously FL needs to get it together. But we are exchanging with Coral Springs Saturday so I will get it then YAY. Thank you for being the best dad ever. Mom: that Easter activity was way fun and I want to reread those again and again. Thank you for taking the time to do that :)

We have had another amazing week in Pines. We are teaching a family, and also a young woman. They are all progressing towards baptism this month! We are finding many investigators each week here... we are being ridiculously blessed and I am not complaining.

I read in Jacob 5 this morning and I just love verses 61 and 62 and how they relate to missionary work:

 61 Wherefore, go to, and call servants, that we may labor diligently with our might in the vineyard, that we may prepare the way, that I may bring forth again the natural fruit, which natural fruit is good and the most precious above all other fruit.

 62 Wherefore, let us go to and labor with our might this last time, for behold the end draweth nigh, and this is for the last time that I shall prune my vineyard.

This is the only time in my life that I will be able to labor with the Lord in HIS vineyard before He comes again. The days go by too quickly to not give our absolute all in each hour of the day. "All gas no brakes" is my favorite motto... we really can sleep when we are dead. Now is the time to press forward diligently. 

General Conference was amazing! I have never been so uplifted by it. It's better than Christmas....I am really sad that it is over. I learned that Easter is "the most sacred day of the year" so how amazing was that to spend it with the prophets and apostles.

So if you know me, you know I was obsessed with Elder Teixeira's talk about using technology. Oh my gosh it is horrible how we just sit on our phones when we are surrounded by our loved ones. Nothing bothers me more than when I see a couple or a father and son at a restaurant BOTH on their phones. It is such a shame. Be where you are, people. When I get home, can we have evenings be technology free?? Please? There is so much to talk about and learn from one another and so much love to give in person, why do we give priority to other relationships so easily? Yikes I am not even excited to get a phone when I get home. Sorry, rant is over.

Elder Ringwood's talk really hit home for an unusual reason. He explained how Sunday school/seminary teachers should be involved in their students lives by going to their recreational activities, sports, having them over to eat and all I could think was....wow Sister Jarvie was a true disciple of Jesus Christ. I actually got emotional reflecting back at how good she was to me and all of the other students growing up. Sister Jarvie got me on this path... staying active in high school and then BYU and now, somewhat indirectly but also directly, serving a mission. I was always grateful for her, but my gratitude for her grows the longer I serve. 

Also, how powerful was Elder Holland's talk? I should just stop now because I am so fickle and maybe every single talk was my favorite. P.S. Elder Nelson's about keeping the Sabbath day holy... thinking of Christlike service that never ends... all I could think of was Betsy Livingston. She is incredible. With mom's perfect selfless example and these RS women in the ward, I have the most exemplary women to look up to. Not to mention Gwen, Janine, M.E., Brandi......the list goes on and on. I am so blessed I love the Eastbluff ward!!!

So my new morning routine: I listen to conference talks on our DVD player because in the Pines Apt I found GC April 2011 talks on like 8 CDs. So the whole weekend of talks, score! Looks like someone bought it at Deseret and sent it here. It is my new favorite thing. First, because I am pretty sure April, 2011 was the year mom brought us up to Utah and we got to see conference and also because hearing the voices of the prophets and the apostles is the best way to begin my day. I get ready, listen to the talks and hymns and drink tea. Okay herbal tea is my new obsession. I love it. Meg was right all along. What else is new about me... dad, al and hayden: thought you all might appreciate the fact that I am not a huge softy anymore and I hardly cry go me!

KATIE YOU ARE TOO AWESOME she sent me the nicest note of two memories she thought of this week and it melted my heart.

Life is good with Sister Trebotich. She is working hard till her very last day. Our deepest desire is to see two of our investigators be baptized before she leaves.

I hope that you are all watching and sharing "Because He Lives" that video is so powerful. I feel the spirit so strong whenever I watch it. I know that as we share it, people will feel the love their Savior has for them and they will look for the truth that they do not even know they are searching for. 

I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT and it has almost been a year so if you made it to the bottom, gold star for you.

Hermana McCormick

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