Sunday, January 4, 2015

December 16, 2014


So I got the news that I was going to be changing companions again….that was great because it helped me stress only on Friday and now I am calm and excited. So nervous, yeah, but it will all be good. 

This week has been the best of my mission, and even the best of my life. It topped Katie's wedding. That good. Yeah okay I am kidding but really this week has left me in awe. So let's talk about the Christmas Conference. Way too much fun. We had skits and got to hear the testimonies of the departing missionaries and we had a white elephant gift exchange. Just too much fun for one day. I was actually socially exhausted. Like I almost fell asleep at home when we ate dinner before working. So my favorite thing is listening to the testimonies of the departing missionaries. So much wisdom!!!! I just love how they motivate me. I always leave with a favorite quote/thought. This one is: there are power and miracles in the extra mile. This is so very true! I look back at my favorite moments of growth and clarity, and they are always when I am beaten down, absolutely exhausted, pushing on, praying fervently for strength-for the atonement to carry me. I am going to do my best to go the extra mile always.

Okay so then the mail room. WHAT THE HECK FAMILY WHY ARE YOU SO GOOD TO ME!?!?! I literally got like 10 packages and was in shock. Most people get 1-2... maybe 3... I was walking out, arms full, just like "ha.. I am blessed... dunno why... no it's my birthday on Sunday that's why!!!" When everyone would ask. Anyway, you are all amazing.

SYLVIA sent a miracle in a package. Speaking of, they have all been answers to my prayers. As a poor missionary, KK's package and the 2 I have opened from home (make up and dresses) are EXACTLY what I have needed. PS mom had to send 2 of the dresses back to ASOS because the slit makes it go above my knee, but they should refund you. YOU ARE THE BEST. K so back to Sylvia, we had a noche de hogar with Jairo and his family last night and he is the best member missionary ever. He had the elder's investigator family AND Robert and his kids over. Sylvia sent two adorable crafts and we taught about service and it was the best FHE of my life.

These weeks are definitely trying my faith in the best way possible. I keep getting my best friends' "last missionary letter" before they return home. As much as I desire to be home with them, having completed my full-time mission, I know that I am here in this exact area, at this specific time for the Lord's purpose. I just know it. I know that each person that I meet, each door that I knock, each card I hand out is inspired. I did not know this before my mission. I did not understand how truly inspired each mission call is. However, now that I am learning this, my heart is overflowing with gratitude for this experience and this tremendous blessing my Father in Heaven has given me.

And last night, exactly that happened! We were harvesting and we decided to knock the first street. We asked the first woman we prayed with for a referral and she pointed us across the street. We decided to deviate from our plan and knock that door. No one answered, but I felt that we should go back at the end of our harvest, so we resolved to do so. We actually found 2 potentials which is AMAZING as a Spanish-speaking missionary. We got one new investigator and he actually said yes to baptism. Not just hmm if I am in town, etc. He said yes and it was great. Anyway, we finish harvesting, we are late to see our RC family, but we knock the ref again. We knock four times and nothing. We walk across the street only to hear the door open. We left her with a He is the Gift card and told her that if she wanted a special blessing for her home to call us. She showed some interest so we handed her a chapel card. To our surprise, a wave of shock came over her and she began to cry. She was speechless, as were we. We felt the spirit so strongly. Sister Bradley just said calmly, "We know that God sent us to you." Finally she explained herself (the suspense was killing me). She said, "They always find me. This is the third time." We chatted with her and she explained that she had been baptized years ago, along with her 4 children. They had fallen away and the elders had stopped by twice before (so that is a while ago if elders were trying to bring her back because it has been a sister's area for years). Then, we knocked into her. How crazy. She was so touched. She could not believe it, and neither could we. It was amazing that the Lord led us to harvest there, to find her, and even more amazingly, she is so ready to come back. She told us to come back and visit her and we are going tomorrow. I cannot wait to get to know her better. I have so much love for her and I hardly even know her. She will be an incredible addition to Relief Society and the Lauderhill ward.

Mom, you would die. This ward took greaaaaat care of me for my birthday. So they had a surprise birthday party with VERY authentic Mexican food. I treated myself to some tacos and a tamale... first time I treated myself in 6 months. It was great. I am good though... no desire to do it again for a while. Happens when you eat 5 tacos, 1 tamale, and 3 cups of juice (some sweet juice I am sure Jake had it lots in Mexico. It is from a plant and tasted like a Jolly Rancher to me). But no cake... my stomach legit can't do gluten so well. Is this what getting old is like? Anyway, it was great because they decided to celebrate Sister Bradley's birthday on the 27th too since she is leaving. It was SO MUCH FUN. I could not believe how they spoiled us. And how dang good the food was. Dad would have loved it.

We took one of our investigator families on a temple tour and they loved the peaceful setting. I love temples. So fun to teach about them on the temple grounds.

I was reading Moroni 7 yesterday and loved how much it talked about angels. Funny timing, because there is an incredible article in the Ensign about angels, and the reality of their existence. Everyone should go read the article, and then Moroni 7! I know that the Lord helps us every step of the way. I know that even if He cannot be in every place at once, His angels minister to us. 

I am overwhelmed with gratitude for my Savior... for my mission... for this transfer in Lauderhill with Sister Bradley. I treasure how much I have learned from her. I know that my next companion will have much to teach me as well, and I am thrilled to meet her.

THANK YOU FOR ALL THE BIRTHDAY LOVE! I love each of you so much. You all mean the world to me!

Hermana McCormick

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