Sunday, August 9, 2015

July in Miami

Long week of biking, sweating, and MANGOOOOOOO everything. God is good and I love Florida and my mission and summer.

I am the most mango-obsessed person you will ever meet. I spent 2 hours on the Fourth of July (since we had to be in at 7:30pm before all the crazy people in Miami got too crazy) cutting up like 10 mangoes. Okay so like our Tupperware full of 4 mangoes is gone. I have a problem. 

This week started off really well as we found many investigators, but none showed up at Sacrament Meeting. We are working towards doing a chapel tour each week, a temple tour twice, and baptizing two people this month in Miami Lakes.

Our trio is doing really well. We work well together. Sister Madsen is so incredible and does everything to the best of her ability. You really know that she is here to be dedicated and work hard. Sister Bradley is still teaching me about being chill and no stress.... but all things in balance because we get everything done, too! I love being determined and intense. Missionary work is the one place where people can't judge me for it. YAY. We all have a great time and are working on making each day "the best day of our missions." It is all about our attitude.

Two investigators from my previous area are getting baptized on the 11th! I get to go!!! And my two companions also both served in Fountainebleau South so they are excited to go back. I guess that area struggled for a while so when Sister Madsen heard we were going back for 2 baptisms, she cried. So tender.

We have a couple from Cuba who we love teaching. We dropped by to meet them and they dropped everything so we could share the restoration. Even better... they understood it ALL. They did not come to church, but we will continue to work with them because they are definitely worth it. They gladly accepted a return appt. and offered to feed us Ropa favorite Cuban dish! They will be a great support to one another as they progress in the gospel. 

Coolest miracle knocking of my mission: so Sister Mahterian and I were on exchanges. She said we would find a YSA family, I said there would be a guy (not YSA) and she said there would be 3 sisters (all YSA). We were trying so incredibly hard to follow the promptings of the spirit as we knocked... avoiding the streets where we heard the gunshots, of course (I love Liberty City! I'll go wherever the Lord needs me but that area would be pretty sweet too :) ) We heard a few gunshots to the left, so we turned to the right. We saw 2 girls walking down the street and struck up a conversation with them. They took us to their house, what do you know? 3 sisters and 1 guy.... all YSA. Sister Mahterian said they went back and had a powerful lesson on the restoration with them. Solid for baptism. I KNOW the Lord placed us in their path. They will always have a place in my heart. 

Here’s my scripture for the week:

3 Nephi 13
 19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and thieves break through and steal;

 20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.

 21 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.

 24 No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon.

It really is impossible to have one foot in the mission and the other back home. We have to make the conscious decision to "make each day the best day of our missions", grow to know our Savior more, and be happy and focused each and every day.

I am realizing that I will not be doing this missionary work forever. I have such profound gratitude and respect for my calling. It is really hitting me, what it means when we say "we are representatives of our Savior, Jesus Christ." He is my hero, my example, my friend, my redeemer. Aside from when I serve a senior couples mission, this is a precious year and a half to bear my Savior's name. I don't think I can adequately put it into words, but this phase in my life is so perfect. I am able to labor with Christ in His work. This is what He was doing when he was on the earth, I am sure it is what He is doing now. I am better able to recognize and overcome my weaknesses. The more I learn, the more my eyes are opened to how little I really do know. I am relieved and grateful that we have an eternity to become like our Father in Heaven and pattern my life after the Savior. 

Thank you for your support and love.
Con amor,

Hermana McCormick

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