Sunday, October 5, 2014

September 30

It has been another amazing week in Hollywood North. We absolutely loved the Mission Training that we had last Wednesday. I loved seeing some friends from down south who had been transferred up north with me! I love how inspired this work is, and how inspired our direction and counsel is. I was reading in Alma 46 this morning and had an epiphany as to why we continually read the scriptures, pray, and learn in the gospel. As I read about Amalickiah plotting to kill King Lehonti and then marrying the queen, I am reminded of how quickly us as mortals are to forget our God and turn to sin. I love the line in "Come Thou Fount" where it says, "prone to wander, Lord I feel it, prone to leave the God I love. Take my heart, Lord, take and seal it..." We truly are so quick to forget our testimonies and pieces of our conversion. 
Our area in Hollywood is progressing well. Sister Gardner and I have been meeting and teaching many people and we have truly been blessed. One woman is very eager to change her life and keeps her commitments and reads the scriptures we leave with her. We took the elders and a member over yesterday to strip her floor and clean her home. She was so touched by our being there to help. She gave us coconuts and walked us to her car. She could not thank us enough. I feel such a connection to her when I look her in the eyes. I really feel like Heavenly Father has great things in store for her.
A miracle that I saw this week has to do with the effect prayer has on one of our investigators. She cries each time we pray. I have not seen the spirit bring such an effect in a while, and she loves the feeling of peace that prayer brings to her life. 
We did exchanges last week and I got to spend a day with Sister Amolameh. She is such a Christlike and uplifting person - I learned so much from harvesting with her. She is so kind to everyone, especially those that reject us. Sister Amolameh is an amazing sister trainer leader and I am thrilled to have another transfer to learn from her.
I am excited for another transfer and General Conference. If we do not prepare spiritually, we will hear a wonderful talk. However, when we prayerfully take a question to the Lord as we watch GC, we receive personal revelation. I really hope that each of you do this with me. I know that this GC will be the best! I see the gospel more clearly each day and I am so blessed to be in the FFLM mission.
OKAY PACKAGES. My goodness. Dad sent the most needed package ever. Whey powder, ThinkThin bars, trail mix, etc. A Trader Joe's heaven-sent package and I was so excited. Friday (the day that we exchanged, I left HWD and worked in Nova YSA), I got a letter from mom, then at the baptismal interview with a YSA, the Zone Leaders brought me not one, but TWO packages. I was thrilled and felt totally undeserving. Well, dad killed it with a TJ package, and then, what was the second... a NORDSTROM box. Anyone who knows me knows that this may or may not have brought tears to my eyes. I forgot Nordie's still exists. I open it up and see the same shoes that I had complimented Sister Matherian on at Mission Training! No joke, two days before, I told her I was obsessed and was going to add them to my Christmas list. But no, they came to me 3 months early!!!!! I could not figure out who did that. At first, I thought mom and I was like gosh dang family stop spending so much on me I feel bad! But then I saw the packing slip.... my fave Brandi Murray. I cannot even express my gratitude. Brandi!!! You kill me. I was so happy, and needless to say I am wearing them right now and have been each day. I felt lots of love from Newport on Friday and that was really special and much needed.
I love this work. I love working harder and harder and feeling exhausted because going to bed tired is my favorite. I love passing out and knowing that I did all that I could that day. I gave it all to the Lord. I can't believe that I have almost been out 6 months. Time needs to slow down because there is so much work to do and I do not want my mission to pass me by! I love this quote: "Do not let your mission pass you by. Taste the bitter and the sweet." I would like to think that I am doing just that! I enjoy lunch, and harvesting, and teaching, and driving around and getting to know my comp better each day. The gospel and my mission are helping me to live in the moment. It is such an overused phrase, but so hard to master. Good thing I have another year left.
I love each of you more than you know. You are in my prayers and I am grateful for you.
Happy Birthday (tomorrow) dad!!! Enjoy YOUR day.
And enjoy General Conference. Make some waffles and have a nice family weekend and watch each session. We will watch it together :) Love you
Hermana McCormick

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